Interview with Jack Canfield

Jack is the Founder and Chairman of The Canfield Training Group in Santa Barbara, California, which trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and motivated individuals how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals. Jack is also the founder of The Foundation for Self-Esteem in Westlake Village, California, which provides self-esteem resources and trainings to social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals.

Dr. Judy Speaks Out!

I am trained as a pathologist and psychiatrist and I am here to tell you that our current medical system is both sick and crazy. It’s sick because it’s making many people sicker and its really crazy as it doesn’t have to be that way. When I am treating many people these days I find myself frustrated, angry and upset because it is a system that overwhelms people…

Three Things You Can Do to Raise Happier, Healthier and Better Functioning Children

I think every parent out there really wants to do good job of raising their children but it’s get really confusing with all of the information about what to do or what to not..

Current State of Healthcare In America and What We Can Do About It

Most people are aware that we have some problems with American Healthcare system but they may not realize that we rank behind most of the industrialized nations in almost everything and in some areas even behind the countries like Cuba..

Good News That Can Be Shared About the Ebola Crisis

Although Ebola is a very frightening disease, it has actually been around in Africa for 40 years and in 40 years time killed fewer people than die in 1 year in this country from many other disorders, such as depression…

Robin William’s Death and Coming Out of the Closet About Mental Illness

Robin Williams’ death is very tragic. One of the things we need to learn from this is to quit being ashamed about mental illness and be more open to getting help before it is too late.

Who Dr Judy Cook Is

Hi, I am Dr. Judy Cook and I have been practicing psychiatry now for 34 years and am also trained in Pathology. Pathology made me realize that a great deal of physical disease is caused or worsened by emotional disease and my goal has been to help change that.

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